
Monday, October 17, 2011

Sew-Inspiration Sunday

I found this quilt at Esch House Quilts last year, loved it then and still love it now. It's so simple and elegant and modern and just plain wonderful. Have a look at her inspiration photo she was inspired by to come up with this.

Ephemeral Elegance by Esch House Quilts

Debbie from Esch House Quilts also has a new quilt she's making for Project Modern, find your own voice challenge.  It's called curried plums and I love this one too!

Curried Plums by Esch House Quilts

Have a google of project modern and you will find heaps of wonderful quilters showing their "voice". I'm still working on finding my quilting voice but think of all those quilts I get to make while I'm deciding. Woo Hoo!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for featuring my work!

I love the idea of Sew inspiration Sunday :)

Kleep said...

Great find! The Curried Plums one is stunning, and the straight line quilting really adds to it.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Love these two - thanks for sharing!

Collette said...

loving the curried plums! i know what you mean about your quilting voice I am the same I think!
Collette x